Corporate philosophy
Creating optimal manufacturing environments,
enabling our customers to achieve their corporate objectives.
As a company supporting manufacturing operations, at Yonezawa we consistently provide our customers with optimum quality services.In addition to contributing to the innovations and development of our corporate customers, we also make utmost contributions to the creation of industrial foundations and the enrichment of life and culture both in Japan and worldwide.

Corporate Motto
We will always strive to propose optimum quality services to all of our customers both at home and abroad in order to satisfy their every need.
Business Policy
Remaining youthful, imaginative and respectful of good ideas, we strive diligently every day without fail to create harmonious workflow processes imbued with mutual affection and zeal.
・A global company working to boost customers’ productivity and to resolve their operational issues.
・Est a b li s hing the Yonezawa brand that is capable of generating Group synergies.
・Forming unshakable ties With our corporate customers by sharing their ideals and quickly identifying their needs.
・Strengthening our global organization through unified efforts by all offices.
Guiding Principles for Action
"YONEZAWA" has 3 guiding principles for action.
1.We carefully consider what constitutes customer satisfaction and act with zeal to deliver it.
2.We strive to acquire knowledge and gather information in order to respond flexibly to changing times.
3.We always devote our full efforts and sincerity to performing our individual roles in the organization.
Meaning of the logo design
The line to connect "E" and "Z" in the brand logo represents the horizon, which we use as a design motif to demonstrate our globally offered services. The "EZ" displays our company's service motto with we aim to make our customers' task more "easy". We also try to show our global network which connects "E" = Environment (best production environment) and "Z" = Zeal (zeal of our customer corporations).
In this logo design we want to represent a new feature of Yonezawa Koki Group which tries to give global support for the best production environment in order for our customer corporations to realize their dreams.